As one of the directors of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey, formed late in the war by the American Office of Strategic Services to assess the results of the aerial bombardments of Nazi Germany, he wrote: "The incredible cruelty of the attack on Dresden when the war had already been won—and the death of children, women, and civilians—that was extremely weighty and of no avail". It had been decided that the raid would be a double strike, in which a second wave of bombers would attack three hours after the first, just as the rescue teams were trying to put out the fires. [28] This allowed Sinclair to inform Churchill on 27 January of the Air Staff's agreement that, "subject to the overriding claims" on other targets under the Pointblank Directive, strikes against communications in these cities to disrupt civilian evacuation from the east and troop movement from the west would be made. [b] This was a group of Lancasters from Bomber Command's 83 Squadron, No. 1,0 sur 5 étoiles Dresde en toile de fond. I am that person. [72] The official historical commission collected 103 detailed eyewitness accounts and let the local bomb disposal services search according to their assertions. Civilian strafing was in fact a regular practice of the Luftwaffe throughout the war. See reviews & details on a wide selection of Blu-ray & DVDs, both new & used. Le bombardement de Dresde, qui eut lieu du 13 au 15 février 1945, selon les principes de la Directive du ministère de l'air du gouvernement britannique sur le bombardement de zone du 14 février 1942 devenue avec l'USAAF celle de en 1943, détruisit presque entièrement la ville allemande de Dresde, dans le cadre d'un bombardement combiné en Bomber stream. One way or another, I got two or three dollars for every person killed. Explosion after explosion. Il est possible aussi que les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni aient voulu impressionner l'URSS : ce bombardement a eu lieu quelques jours après la clôture de la conférence de Yalta, et il aurait eu une force dissuasive sur Staline, dans le contexte naissant de la guerre froide. Anniversaire du bombardement de Dresde Un crime de guerre des alliés anglo-américains, prélude à la guerre froide – Dougal MacDonald – Dans la nuit du 13 au 14 février 1945, le commandement des forces de bombardement de la Royal Air Force a effectué deux bombardements dévastateurs sur la ville allemande de Dresde. The destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing. [131] As such, "grossly inflated"[5] casualty figures have been promulgated over the years, many based on a figure of over 200,000 deaths quoted in a forged version of the casualty report, Tagesbefehl No. Harris quotes as his source the Public Records Office ATH/DO/4B quoted by Lord Zuckerman "From Apes to Warlords" p. 352. sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFGrayling2006 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFGrayling2006b (, United Newsreel on the bombing of Dresden, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, Aerial bombardment and international law § International law up to 1945, Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands, blocked a demonstration of far-right organizations, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death, Operation Gomorrah campaign against Hamburg. Howard Cowan, an Associated Press war correspondent, subsequently filed a story saying that the Allies had resorted to terror bombing. [74], Dresden's air defences had been depleted by the need for more weaponry to fight the Red Army, and the city lost its last massive flak battery in January 1945. The shock to military planners and to the Allied civilian populations of the German counterattack known as the Battle of the Bulge had ended speculation that the war was almost over, and may have contributed to the decision to continue with the aerial bombardment of German cities.[135]. Sont accessibles principalement[42] le rapport final (Abschlussbericht) sur Internet; le projet Mathildenstrasse, étude d'une rue-témoin du centre-ville[43], et l'ouvrage publié par l'Institut Hannah Arendt de Dresde. [158] In 2010, several demonstrations by organizations opposing the far-right blocked a demonstration of far-right organizations. His account relates that over 135,000 were killed during the firebombings. Frauenkirche: Exceptionnel - consultez 6 540 avis de voyageurs, 3 948 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Dresde, Allemagne sur Tripadvisor. À l'arrière-plan, la manufacture de tabac Yenidze. The German army was retreating on all fronts, but still resisting strongly. La croyance des habitants dans l'impossibilité d'une attaque massive était très répandue et les réfugiés de l'Est s'y dirigeaient spontanément. [7] Even after the main firebombing, there were two further raids on the Dresden railway yards by the USAAF. Proponents of this position argue that the devastation from firebombing was greater than anything that could be justified by military necessity alone, and this establishes a prima facie case. Attacks on cities like any other act of war are intolerable unless they are strategically justified. Le bombardement de Dresde eut lieu du 13 au 15 février 1945, selon les principes de la directive du ministère de l'Aviation du gouvernement britannique sur le bombardement de zone du 14 février 1942, devenue avec l'USAAF la directive de Casablanca en 1943.Il détruisit presque entièrement la ville allemande de Dresde, dans le cadre d'un bombardement combiné en bomber stream. [71] Frederick Taylor in Dresden (2004), basing most of his analysis on the work of Bergander and Schnatz, concludes that no strafing took place, although some stray bullets from aerial dogfights may have hit the ground and been mistaken for strafing by those in the vicinity. The unease was made worse by an Associated Press story that the Allies had resorted to terror bombing. Une estimation à 250 000 morts a été avancée par les Soviétiques. « there is good reason to believe that later in March copies of — or extracts from — [an official police report] were leaked to the neutral press by Goebbels's Propaganda Ministry … doctored with an extra zero to make [the total dead from the raid] 202,040. The next set of aircraft to leave England were twin-engined Mosquito marker planes, which would identify target areas and drop 1,000-pound (450 kg) target indicators (TIs)"[50] that created a red glow for the bombers to aim at. Den allierede Operation Market Garden mislykkedes i store træk på trods af, at de tyske tropper var spredt og isoleret i store områder af Europa.Det lykkedes at koncentrere tyske tropper i forbindelse med Ardenneroffensiven. "The Bombing of Dresden," in. [1] The bombing and the resulting firestorm destroyed more than 1,600 acres (6.5 km2) of the city centre. Aujourd'hui. En 1949, voulant apporter son témoignage, le photographe Richard Peter, habitant de Dresde, publie Dresden, eine Kamera klagt an (Dresde, un appareil photo accuse)[40]. On the following day, only a single US bomber was shot down, as the large escort force was able to prevent Luftwaffe day fighters from disrupting the attack.[76]. Skip to main content. The bombing of Dresden was a British-American aerial bombing attack on the city of Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony, during World War II.In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and 527 of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city. [121], The new Frauenkirche was reconstructed over seven years by architects using 3D computer technology to analyse old photographs and every piece of rubble that had been kept and was formally consecrated on 30 October 2005, in a service attended by some 1,800 guests, including Germany's president, Horst Köhler; previous and current chancellors, Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel; and the Duke of Kent. Suddenly, I saw people again, right in front of me. are popular slogans among the so-called "Anti-Germans"—a small radical left-wing political movement in Germany and Austria. L'historien Alexander McKee souligne le caractère inusuel du raid, jusqu'aux feuilles de routes masquées dans les cockpits jusqu'au dernier moment[15]. Three hundred and sixty heavy bombers (Lancasters and Halifaxes) bombed a synthetic oil plant in Böhlen, 60 miles (97 km) from Dresden, while de Havilland Mosquito medium bombers attacked Magdeburg, Bonn, Misburg near Hanover and Nuremberg. Comme le fut Hiroshima, Tokyo et Nagazaki pour les Japonais 5 … [6] A 1953 United States Air Force report defended the operation as the justified bombing of a strategic target, which they noted was a major rail transport and communication centre, housing 110 factories and 50,000 workers in support of the German war effort. PH 2/1 Bombardementskrone Glas Overskærm m Balanceringe Her har du mulighed for at købe en ny glas overskærm til din PH 2/1 Bombardementskrone. I can never forget them. [86][87] Another report on 3 April put the number of corpses recovered at 22,096. [167], The bombing of Dresden is a central theme in the novel Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut who was a prisoner of war in 1945 in Dresden. [48], When Polish crews of the designated squadrons were preparing for the mission, the terms of the Yalta agreement were made known to them. Ainsi la RAF ne disposait même pas de carte précise de la ville. The scale of the destruction in Dresden was some of the most horrific of the air war in Europe, and the attack has been condemned as a war crime. Le bombardement de Dresde, dans la partie orientale de l'Allemagne, demeure pour l'Europe le pendant d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki au Japon: une horreur méthodiquement préparée, organisée et exécutée par ceux qui se présentent encore aujourd'hui comme les «libérateurs». Il détruisit presque entièrement la ville allemande de Dresde, dans le cadre d'un bombardement combiné en bomber stream. Le 13 février 1945, les démocraties anglaise et américaine commencent le plus brutal Dans la ville de Dresde, joyau architectural, s’étaient réfugiés pas moins de 750 000 civils qui avaient fui devant l’invasion de l’armée soviétique et campaient dans les parcs, sur les trottoirs, dans les rues. À 22h15, 800 bombardiers britanniques, avions descorte et de diversion convergeaient sur Dresde et larguaient des bombes incendiaires qui mettaient le feu à la ville dune extrémité à lautre. Altid hurtig levering, 100 dages returret & prisgaranti! "[166] Dyson later goes on to say: "Since the beginning of the war I had been retreating step by step from one moral position to another, until at the end I had no moral position at all". My mother covered us with wet blankets and coats she found in a water tub. La stratégie allemande faisait de l’ensemble des grandes villes sur le front de l’Est — die Festungen (« les forteresses ») — un rempart. The 303rd group arrived over Dresden two minutes after the 379th and found their view obscured by clouds, so they bombed Dresden using H2X radar. Il détruisit presque entièrement la ville allemande de Dresde, dans le cadre d'un bombardement combiné en bomber stream. We saw terrible things: cremated adults shrunk to the size of small children, pieces of arms and legs, dead people, whole families burnt to death, burning people ran to and fro, burnt coaches filled with civilian refugees, dead rescuers and soldiers, many were calling and looking for their children and families, and fire everywhere, everywhere fire, and all the time the hot wind of the firestorm threw people back into the burning houses they were trying to escape from. Bombardement - 650 000 bombes - 7000 tonnes - De la Grande-Bretagne et Amérique Faits du bombardement - Destruction d'un tiers de la ville - Feux intense - Morts de nombre inconnu innocent - estimé 50 000 à 305 000 morts - Température de 1800°F - rue qui fond à cause du chaleur A secondary objective was to disrupt the industrial use of Dresden for munitions manufacture, which American intelligence believed was the case. [29][30], On 31 January, Bottomley sent Portal a message saying a heavy attack on Dresden and other cities "will cause great confusion in civilian evacuation from the east and hamper movement of reinforcements from other fronts". [55], The sirens started sounding in Dresden at 21:51 (CET). Le 28 mars 1945, Winston Churchill s'interrogea dans une note d'état major sur l'opportunité de ce bombardement[18]. Meilleur commentaire critique . [73], On 15 February, the 1st Bombardment Division's primary target—the Böhlen synthetic oil plant near Leipzig—was obscured by clouds, so its groups diverted to their secondary target, Dresden. Voici 70 ans, du 13 au 15 février 1945, la ville de Dresde fut largement détruite par un raid aérien massif de bombardiers anglais et américains. Initially, some of the leadership, especially Robert Ley and Joseph Goebbels, wanted to use it as a pretext for abandonment of the Geneva Conventions on the Western Front. In the special introduction to the 1976 Franklin Library edition of the novel, he wrote: The Dresden atrocity, tremendously expensive and meticulously planned, was so meaningless, finally, that only one person on the entire planet got any benefit from it. Ce plan, qui n'a jamais été appliqué tel quel, rejeté comme irréaliste[7] et « terroriste », conçu par les états-majors américain et britannique, proposait une intensification des bombardements jusqu'à 100 000 morts, pour saper définitivement le moral[8] des troupes allemandes. ». Sir Arthur Harris affirma que la décision avait été prise à un échelon très supérieur à lui[39]. The basket with our twins covered with wet cloths was snatched up out of my mother's hands and we were pushed upstairs by the people behind us. Il détruisit presque entièrement la ville allemande de Dresde, dans le cadre d'un bombardement combiné en bomber stream. At 22:03 the Local Air Raid Leadership issued the first definitive warning: "Warning! We saw the burning street, the falling ruins and the terrible firestorm. Les bombes classiques et à retardement furent aussi utilisées. By now, the thousands of fires from the burning city could be seen more than 60 miles (97 km) away on the ground, and 500 miles (800 km) away in the air, with smoke rising to 15,000 feet (4,600 m). I think these three reasons probably cover the bombing. À l'inverse, des études de l'USAF insistent sur les demandes répétées des Soviétiques de bombardements sur les nœuds ferroviaires de l'Est de l'Allemagne pour faciliter la progression de l'Armée rouge[11]. Dresde 1945: 3760207260085: Books - [28], In response to Churchill's inquiry, Sinclair approached Bottomley, who asked Harris to undertake attacks on Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz as soon as moonlight and weather permitted, "with the particular object of exploiting the confused conditions which are likely to exist in the above mentioned cities during the successful Russian advance". Find Dresde Apocalypse at Movies & TV, home of thousands of titles on DVD and Blu-ray. The absence of specific international humanitarian law does not mean that the laws of war did not cover aerial warfare, but the existing laws remained open to interpretation. [141] Two-thirds of the remaining population reportedly fled the city after the raids.[142].