Przeniósł się do Abidżanu (Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej), gdzie zajmował się klasyfikacją zachodnioafrykańskiej literackiej tradycji ustnej. opowiadanie Fulbej i Bozo, zamieszczone w antologii Na południe od Sahary, Warszawa 1967.âté_Bâ&oldid=38476911, licencji Creative Commons: uznanie autorstwa, na tych samych warunkach, Korzystasz z Wikipedii tylko na własną odpowiedzialność. "Hampate Ba: the great conciliator". Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Paperback Mass Market Paperback $14.03 $ 14. Dielika Diallo. His term in the executive council ended in 1970, and he devoted the remaining years of his life to research and writing. See all books authored by Amadou Hampâté Bâ, including Sur les traces d'amkoullel l'enfant peul, and La Querelle Des Deux L zards Et Autres Contes Africains, and more on He first attended the Qur'anic school run by Tierno Bokar, a dignitary of the Tijaniyyah brotherhood, then transferred to a French school at Bandiagara, then to one at Djenné. Article: fr:Amadou Hampâté Bâ; Corresponding English-language article: Amadou Hampâté Bâ; Worth doing because: Important Malian writer; Originally Requested by: Darwinek 09:56, 9 Apr 2005 (UTC) Status: Done. Born in 1900 in Bandiagara (Mali), Amadou Hampâté Bâ was the heir of two eminent families of the Peul (aka Fula) people who are located throughout West Africa. After his father's death, he was adopted by his mother's second husband, Tidjani Amadou Ali Thiam of the Toucouleur ethnic group. The Fortunes of Wangrin Amadou Hampâté Bâ Translated by Aina Pavolini Taylor with an Introduction by F. Abiola Irele Winner of the Grand Prix Litteraire de l'Afrique Noire "I think this is perhaps the best African novel on colonialism and it draws very richly on various modes of oral literature." His fiction and non-fiction books in French are widely respected as sources of information and insight on West African history, religion, literature and culture, and life. "Hampate Ba: the great conciliator". At the time of his birth, the area was known as French Sudan as part of colonial French West Africa, which was formally established a few years before his birth. Il est aussi appelé le « Sage de l'Afrique » et le « Sage de Marcory » . dou Hampâté Bâ, and most who have done so have focused their atten-tion on his ecumenical views.1 One reason that might account for this 1 See, for example, S. Grodz, "Towards Universal Reconciliation: The Early Development of Amadou Hampâté Bâ's Ecumenical Ideas," Islam et … Amadou Hampâté Bâ was born to an aristocratic Fula family in Bandiagara, the largest city in Dogon territory and the capital of the precolonial Masina Empire. In 1962, he was elected to UNESCO's executive council, and in 1966 he helped establish a unified system for the transcription of African languages. Selected web resources For further information, please email us at or phone +31 (0)71 527 3354 Introduction Amadou Hampâté Bâ (1900-1991) was one of the major intellectual and literary figures of twentieth-century Africa. Amadou Hampâté Bâ żył 90 lat. (See also:Sufi studies). Amadou Hampaté Bâ was a distinguished Malian poet and scholar of African oral tradition and precolonial history. Né vers 1900 à Bandiagara (Mali), Amadou Hampâté Bâ est mort le 15 mai 1991 à Abidjan. Institut Français d'Afrique Noir), następnie został ministrem pełnomocnym Mali na Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej. Amadou Hampâté Bâ and the Uncertain Fortunes of French West Africa This blog will focus on the French colonies in West Africa in the late nineteenth century through the eyes of Amadou Hampaté Bâ (1901-1991). Po upływie swej kadencji w UNESCO poświęcił się pracy naukowej oraz pisaniu. 03. 20 citations d'Amadou Hampâté Bâ - Ses plus belles pensées Citations d' Amadou Hampâté Bâ Sélection de 20 citations et phrases d' Amadou Hampâté Bâ - Découvrez un proverbe, une phrase, une parole, une pensée, une formule, un dicton ou une citation de Amadou Hampâté Bâ issus de romans, d'extraits courts de livres, essais, discours ou entretiens de l'auteur. Tę stronę ostatnio edytowano 23 sty 2014, 14:30. Il est l'auteur africain le plus souvent cité pour sa phrase : "En Afrique, quand un vieillard meurt, c'est une bibliothèque qui brûle". Find vacation rentals near Universite Amadou Hampate Ba, Dakar on Tripadvisor! Chapeau : Un monument géant réalisé à l'entrée de la cour du Palais de la Culture pour immortaliser Amadou Hampâté BA est désormais chose faite. Publications on Amadou Hampâté Bâ or his work 4. Amadou Hampâté Bâ (1900/1901 – 15 May 1991) was a Malian writer, historian and ethnologist. 4.6 out of 5 stars 51. In 1971, he moved to the Marcory suburb of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire,[2] and worked on classifying the archives of West African oral tradition that he had accumulated throughout his lifetime, as well as writing his memoirs (Amkoullel l'enfant peul and Oui mon commandant!, both published posthumously). Vie et œuvre d’Amadou Hampâté Bâ », Malian ministry of culture, dossier for the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Amadou Hampâté Bâ, BEROSE - International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology,âté_Bâ&oldid=994171492, Articles with imported Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 text, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, awarded the Grand prix de littérature d’Afrique noire (1974). Paperback $29.61 $ 29. With Mali's independence in 1960, Bâ founded the Institute of Human Sciences in Bamako, and represented his country at the UNESCO general conferences. Aina Pavolini Taylor is an independent translator with wide experience of Africa, now living and working in Italy. 372 likes. In 1951, he obtained a UNESCO grant, enabling him to travel to Paris and meet with intellectuals from Africanist circles, notably Marcel Griaule. 460 likes. W Bamako od 1942 r. pełnił funkcję dyrektora Francuskiego Instytutu Czarnej Afryki (fr. The Ocora disography in this item lists this release as "SOR 21/22" but there is no mention of that catalogue number on the release itself. CAHBA, pour le développement humain et la qualité de la vie: lieu de dialogue, de créativité, de réappropriation de soi, de sa culture et de son environnem Amadou Hampaté Ba. Biografía Orígenes, infancia y juventud. Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and more. Biografia. Centre Amadou Hampâte BÂ. 83. A Spirit of Tolerance: The Inspiring Life of Tierno Bokar, « Le maître de la parole. Membre du Conseil exécutif de l'Unesco de 1962 à 1970, il y lance son appel : « En Afrique, quand un vieillard meurt, c'est une bibliothèque qui brûle. At IFAN, he made ethnological surveys and collected traditions. Amadou Hampâté Bâ nació en una familia aristocrática fula de Bandiagara, la ciudad más grande del territorio dogon y capital del precolonial Imperio de Masina.En el momento de su nacimiento, el área era conocida como Sudán francés y formaba parte del África Occidental francesa colonial, formalmente establecida pocos años antes de su nacimiento. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Il s'est rendu célèbre par son combat inlassable au service des cultures orales et du dialogue entre les hommes. Hotele w pobliżu Universite Amadou Hampate Ba, Dakar: zobacz w serwisie Tripadvisor recenzje i opinie podróżników (5 404), autentyczne zdjęcia (6 569) i doskonałe oferty na … The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. Amadou Hampâté Bâ (w polskich publikacjach także jako Amadou Hampate Ba, ur.1901, zm. From 1922 to 1932, he held several posts in the colonial administration in Upper Volta, now Burkina Faso, and from 1932 to 1942 in Bamako. W przekładzie na język polski ukazały się drobne dzieła pisarza, », une formule devenue proverbiale . Cérémonie solennelle d’inauguration du monument dédié à Amadou Hampâté BA. Description of the Subject: Amadou Hampaté Bá (Malian historian) The Malian Historian, ethnologist, poet and storyteller Amadou Hampaté Bá (), was born in 1900 in Mali; he died in 1991 in Ivory Coast.Amadou Hampaté Bá was one of the great scholars of the African culture. UNESCO Courier, January 1992. Bâ, Amadou Hampâté (1901-1991) The Malian writer and ethnologist Amadou Hampâté Bâ (1901-1991) is a major figure in African anthropology, both a collector and a teller of stories, legends and oral narratives, especially from West Africa, which he presented in book form. For 15 years he devoted himself to research, which would later lead to the publication of his work L'Empire peul de Macina (The Fula Empire of Macina). Looking at the quotes now. 4.9 out of 5 stars 25. Interview réalisée pour le 40ème café littéraire Raconte moi Amoudou Hampâté Bâ. Prowadził wieloletnie badania nad historią i kulturą Mali, czego efektem są poświęconej tej problematyce liczne publikacje. Wybrane publikacje: "L'empire peul du Macina (1818-1853)" (z Jacquesem Dagetem, 1955), "Vie et enseignement de Tierno Bokar, le sage de Bandiagara" (1957), "Kaïdara, récit initiatique peul" (1969), "Njeddo Dewal, mère de la calamité" (1985), "Oui, mon commandant ! $6.46 shipping. In 1933, he took six months' leave to visit Tierno Bokar, his spiritual leader. F. Abiola Irele is a professor in … Petit bodiel (Roman contemporain) (French Edition) by Amadou Hampâté Bâ | Feb 2, 2006. Amadou Hampâté Bâ (Bandiagara, 1901 - Abidjan, 1991) foi um escritor malinês [1]. In 1915, he ran away from school and rejoined his mother at Kati, where he resumed his studies. Publications by Amadou Hampâté Bâ 3. Amadou Hampâté Bâ est un écrivain et ethnologue malien né à Bandiagara (Mali) en 1900 (ou 1901) et mort le 15 mai 1991 à Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). by Amadou Hampâté Bâ | Jan 1, 1994. Looking for books by Amadou Hampâté Bâ? View 55 traveler reviews from properties near Universite Amadou Hampate Ba in Dakar, Senegal In 1942, he was appointed to the Institut Français d’Afrique Noire (IFAN — the French Institute of Black Africa) in Dakar, thanks to the benevolence of Théodore Monod, its director. Le chant de l’eau (French Edition) by Hampâté Bâ Amadou and Jean-Gilles Badaire | Jun 13, 2013. 15 maja 1991 w Abidżanie, w Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej) – malijski pisarz i etnolog.. Urodził się w Bandiagara w Mali.W Bamako od 1942 r. pełnił funkcję dyrektora Francuskiego Instytutu Czarnej Afryki (fr. Fondation Amadou Hampâté BA, Cocody, Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire. Amadou Hampathé BA, le sage de Bandiagara. As a punishment, the governor appointed him to Ouagadougou with the role he later described as that of "an essentially precarious and revocable temporary writer". • Dielika Diallo. Urodził się w Bandiagara w Mali. 61. Notre objectif, c’est d’y former des hommes et des femmes revêtus de tous les attributs qui rendent fiers et dignes de donner un sens à leur vie. Amadou Hampâté Bâ (c. 1900-1991) was a well-known Malian diplomat and author of the last half of the twentieth century. Amadou Hampâté Bâ (né en 1900 ou 1901 à Bandiagara, au Mali – mort le 15 mai 1991 à Abidjan, en Côte d’Ivoire) est un écrivain et ethnologue malien, défenseur de la tradition orale, notamment peule. This page was last edited on 14 December 2020, at 12:43. Rokiatou Hampâté Bâ nous parle de son père. Amadou Hampâté Bâ - Épisode 4 "Initiation et musique en Afrique Noire" La vie musicale dans les sociétés initiatiques : Musique, poésie chantée et danses chorégraphiques. Amadou Hampâté Bâ Le temps des marabouts: Retrieved from ” https: World Wisdom L’empire Peul du Macina: Il n’y a pas de petite querelle: Inhe was elected to UNESCO’s executive council, and in he helped establish a unified system for the transcription of African languages. Paperback $29.83 $ 29. 17K likes. He was a champion of Africa's oral tradition and traditional knowledge and is remembered for the saying: "whenever an old man dies, it is as though a library were burning down."[1]. In 1921, he turned down entry into the école normale in Gorée. --Ralph Austen, University of Chicago "It is a wonderful introduction to colonial Amadou Hampâté Bâ (w polskich publikacjach także jako Amadou Hampate Ba, ur. Others had already done most of it, but I just translated the last two or three sentences. He was an influential figure in twentieth-century African literature and cultural heritage. Po uzyskaniu przez Mali niepodległości w 1960 r. założył w Bamako Instytut Nauk Humanistycznych, reprezentował także swój kraj na forum UNESCO. 1901, zm. by Amadou hampâté Bâ and Bernard Magnier | Mar 14, 2012. Escritor e etnólogo maliense (Mali, 1900 - Costa do Marfim, 1991) formou-se na escola corânica e na francesa. This article incorporates text available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license. His path to manhood had been marked by the combined influence of a triple heritage: Malian, Muslim and French cultures. The flyer (see pictures) refers to Amadou Hampaté Ba's book "which will appear in 1957", implying a release date of that year or possibly the year before. He died in Abidjan in 1991. Get it Fri, Oct 2 - Wed, Oct 7. W 1962 r. został wybrany do rady wykonawczej UNESCO, zaś w 1966 r. pomagał przy ujednoliceniu systemu transkrypcji języków afrykańskich. A Amadou Hampathé BA, (UAHB), nous avons fait un pari sur l’Homme, son avenir et son devenir. 15 maja 1991 w Abidżanie, w Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej) – malijski pisarz i etnolog. "Em África, quando morre um ancião arde uma biblioteca, desaparece uma biblioteca inteira sem que as chamas acabem com o papel."