Apezpiku zela, misiolari ugari biltzen aritu zen, gehienak Salamancako San Esteban komentuko domingotarrak, Chiapaserako bidaian lagun egiteko. Hiru parrokia hauetako batean jaioa izan zitekeen: San Lorentzo parrokian, San Bizente parrokian edo Magdalena parrokian, Sevillan. Tuvo una formación más bien autodidacta, orientada hacia la teología, la filosofía y el derecho. His copy is notable because Columbus' diary itself was lost. Gero, indiarrek azaldu zuten mundu osotik zetozen pertsonek sortu zutela existitzen zen guztia, eta Bartolomek azaldu zien pertsona horiek benetan Hirutasun Santua zirela. This book, written a decade earlier and sent to the attention of then-prince Philip II of Spain, contained accounts of the abuses committed by some Spaniards against Native Americans during the early stages of colonization. By Daniel Castro. Juan de Quevedo Aristotelesengan oinarritzen zen jende zakar eta barbaroak berez esklaboak direla argudiatzeko. Orduan, espainiarrek gotorleku bat eraiki zuten inguruan, eta 9 pertsona utzi zituzten Villaman kapitainaren agindupean. 1531ko azaroan lehorreratu zen Veracruzen, frai Tomas de Berlangarekin eta Santo Domingoko Errege Auzitegiko presidente Sebastian Ramirez de Fuenrealekin batera. Hala ere, Chiapasko gotzaindegiaren kargu egin zen 1543an, Tuzulutlanen ondoan zegoelako. Las Casasek Espainiara itzultzea erabaki zuen 1547an, metropolitik indiarren ongizatearen alde borrokatzeko. While waiting, Las Casas produced a report that he presented to the Bishop of Burgos, Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca, and secretary Lope Conchillos, who were functionaries in complete charge of the royal policies regarding the Indies; both were encomenderos. Bartolomé de las Casas (US: /lɑːs ˈkɑːsəs/ lahs KAH-səs; Spanish: [baɾtoloˈme ðe las ˈkasas] (listen); 11 November 1484[1] – 18 July 1566) was a 16th-century Spanish landowner, friar, priest, and bishop, famed as a historian and social reformer. [32][33][34][b] This shows that Las Casas's first concern was not to end slavery as an institution, but to end the physical abuse and suffering of the Indians. Hiritar askok indiarrak zituzten behartutako morrontzan. Las Casas had become a hated figure by Spaniards all over the islands, and he had to seek refuge in the Dominican monastery. Valladoliden, 1550 eta 1551 artean, Juan Gines de Sepulvedarekin polemika izan zuen, "Valladolideko eztabaida" izenekoa, konkistaren legitimitateari buruzkoa. [54] Las Casas left Guatemala for Mexico, where he stayed for more than a year before setting out for Spain in 1540. Bartolomé de las Casas (Sevilla, 1474 edo 1484 - Madril, 1566ko uztaila) enkomienda-buru espainiarra izan zen, baita fraile domingotarra (Ordo Praedicatorum), kronista, teologoa, filosofoa, legelari eta Chiapasko (Mexiko, garai hartan Guatemalako Kapitaintza Nagusiaren eskumeneko lurraldea) apezpikua eta idazlea ere. Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (Spanish pronunciation: [fɾaj βaɾtoloˈme ðe las ˈkasas]) is a municipality in the Guatemalan department of Alta Verapaz.It is situated at 170m above sea level.It contains 31,611 people. Bartolomé de las Casas [bartolomé de las kásas], španski teolog, duhovnik, zgodovinar, filozof, kronist in borec za pravice južnoameriških staroselcev, * 24. avgust 1474 oz. [90], The History of the Indies is a three-volume work begun in 1527 while Las Casas was in the Convent of Puerto de Plata. 21, 91-134. The only translations into English are the 1971 partial translation by Andree M. Collar, and partial translations by Cynthia L. Chamberlin, Nigel Griffin, Michael Hammer and Blair Sullivan in UCLA's Repertorium Columbianum (Volumes VI, VII and XI). "[83], Las Casas's first proposed remedy was a complete moratorium on the use of Indian labor in the Indies until such time as better regulations of it were set in place. [d][114] He was among the first to develop a view of unity among humankind, stating that "All people of the world are humans," and that they had a natural right to liberty – a combination of Thomist rights philosophy with Augustinian political theology. All in all, modern historians tend to disregard the numerical figures given by Las Casas, but they maintain that his general picture of a violent and abusive conquest represented reality. 1821ean, akademikoek Las Casasen Historia argitaratzearen aurkako irizpena eman zuten, "Haren irakurketa astun eta gogaikarri egiten duten digresio luze eta gogaikarriengatik, eta, espainiarrek konkistarako duten eskubidea beti kontraesanez eta beren jokabidea etengabe garraztuz, bazitekeelako oraingo inguruabarretan ez zela komenigarria ezta egokia ere argitaratzea, ezta ohoragarria ere nazioari hura baimentzea". PÁRAMO ORTEGA, R. (2011). The history is apologetic because it is written as a defense of the cultural level of the Indians, arguing throughout that indigenous peoples of the Americas were just as civilized as the Roman, Greek and Egyptian civilizations—and more civilized than some European civilizations. To Las Casas's dismay Bishop Marroquín openly defied the New Laws. [23] He witnessed many atrocities committed by Spaniards against the native Ciboney and Guanahatabey peoples. Bartolomé de Las Casas (1484 – 1566), known as the Apostle of the Indies, was a 16th century Spanish priest and writer, and the first Bishop of Chiapas, Mexico.Las Casas was the Dominican priest who condemned the treatment of Indians in the Spanish empire. Batzuek Santo Domingon zegoela diote, eta izurriteak iraun zuen bitartean gaixoak sendatzen lagundu zuela; beste batzuek, berriz, bere lurrak kudeatzeaz arduratu zela. Komisionatuen artean, garaiko europar teologo eta legelari garrantzitsuenak zeuden. Enriquek honakoa eskatu zuen: "bizitza-asegurua eta barkamen orokorra, jaurerriaren kontserbazioa eta etxaldea eta askatasuna bere gizonentzat, arbasoen lurrean bizitzen jarraituko baitzuten inolako eragozpenik jaso gabe". [citation needed], He wrote: "I have declared and demonstrated openly and concluded, from chapter 22 to the end of this whole book, that all people of these our Indies are human, so far as is possible by the natural and human way and without the light of faith – had their republics, places, towns, and cities most abundant and well provided for, and did not lack anything to live politically and socially, and attain and enjoy civil happiness.... And they equaled many nations of this world that are renowned and considered civilized, and they surpassed many others, and to none were they inferior. [55], But apart from the clerical business, Las Casas had also traveled to Spain for his own purpose: to continue the struggle against the colonists' mistreatment of the Indians. £53 (cloth), £13.99 (paper). Kolonek, halaber, denboraldi luzeak egin zituen Sevillan, Bartolomeren jaioterrian. Veracruzen ontziratu zen, Azoreetan geldialdia egin zuen, gero Lisboan lehorreratu zen eta Salamancaraino joan zen. To make the proposal palatable to the king, Las Casas had to incorporate the prospect of profits for the royal treasury. Las Casas, beste fraide batzuekin batera, Pedro de Angulo eta Rodrigo de Ladrada kasu, lau kristau indiarren bila ibili zen eta Ebanjelioaren oinarrizko gaiak azaltzen zituzten kristau kantak erakutsi zizkien. Arriving in Spain he was met by a barrage of accusations, many of them based on his Confesionario and its 12 rules, which many of his opponents found to be in essence a denial of the legitimacy of Spanish rule of its colonies, and hence a form of treason. 1536an Nikaraguako gobernadore Rodrigo de Contrerasek espedizio militar bat antolatu zuen, baina Las Casasek bi urtez atzeratzea lortu zuen, Carlos V.aren emaztea zen Isabel Portugalekoa erreginari agintarien etsaitasunaren berri emanda. They also carried out an inquiry into the Indian question at which all the encomenderos asserted that the Indians were quite incapable of living freely without their supervision. Kubaren konkistan egindako ekintzen sari, Bartolome de Las Casasek 1514an beste indiar enkomienda bat jaso zuen Canarreon, Arimao ibaiaren ertzean, Cienfuegosetik gertu. [61], Before Las Casas returned to Spain, he was also appointed as Bishop of Chiapas, a newly established diocese of which he took possession in 1545 upon his return to the New World. Bere haurtzaroa, bere senideek parte hartu zuten Errekonkistaren guduei buruzkoak entzuten bizi izan zuen. He was appointed Bishop of Chiapas, but served only for a short time before he was forced to return to Spain because of resistance to the New Laws by the encomenderos, and conflicts with Spanish settlers because of his pro-Indian policies and activist religious stance. Aldi berean, Kolon La Españolara iritsi zen bere laugarren bidaian, baina gobernadore berriak, Nikolas Ovandok, ez zion lehorreratzen utzi. Adrianok ere eman zuen bere idazkien berri, Erregeordeari bidali zizkion. He arrived in Hispaniola as a layman then became a Dominican friar and priest. Barkatu egin zitzaien, eta, esker onez, indiarrek eurek balio handian zituzten bitxi sortak oparitu zizkieten Las Casas eta Narvaezi. "Las Casas" redirects here. It has also been noted that exaggeration of numbers was the norm in writing in 16th-century accounts, and both contemporary detractors and supporters of Las Casas were guilty of similar exaggerations. 1507an Erromara bidaiatu zuen eta bertan presbitero ordenatu zuten. XVIII. His father was a merchant and was acquainted with the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus.Young Bartolomé, then about 9 years old, was in Seville when Columbus returned from his first voyage in 1493; he might have met members of the Taíno tribe who Columbus enslaved and brought back with him from the Americas. Karabela pare bat ematen zizkioten Cumanara joateko. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. [citation needed], The book became an important element in the creation and propagation of the so-called Black Legend – the tradition of describing the Spanish empire as exceptionally morally corrupt and violent. He is also featured in the Guatemalan quetzal one cent (Q0.01) coins. This method was championed by prominent Franciscans such as Toribio de Benavente, known as "Motolinia", and Las Casas made many enemies among the Franciscans for arguing that conversions made without adequate understanding were invalid. Errege-erregina Katolikoak Sevillan sartu zirenean, bere osaba Alfonso de Las Casas estaltzen zituen palioaren makilak zeramatzaten zortzi zaldunetako bat zen. Gainera, Las Casas familiako kideak hainbatetan izendatu zituzten Andaluziako diruzain nagusi kargurako. 1500 inguruan, Bartolomek bere ikasketak amaitu zituen Salamancan eta 1502ko otsailaren 13an Sanlucar de Barramedako portutik abiatu zen Indietarako espedizio batean doktrinari plaza lortu zuen. This was meant simply to halt the decimation of the Indian population and to give the surviving Indians time to reconstitute themselves. Apja, Pedro de las Casas, kereskedő volt, édesanyja egy kis pékséget működtetett.Először a sevillai székesegyházi iskolába járt, majd régi nyelveket, történelmet és filozófiát tanult. Frai Bartolome de las Casas, Indiarren apostolua izenez ezaguna, Madrilen hil zen 1566an. Bartolomé de Las Casas, indigenous rights, and ecclesiastical imperalism. One of the stated purposes for writing the account was Las Casas's fear of Spain coming under divine punishment and his concern for the souls of the native peoples. Han, San Pablo komentu domingotarra bisitatu zuten eta Montesinosek bere nagusiak aurkeztu zizkion, laguntzeko pozarren agertu zirenak. The book was deemed unsound for publication by the theologians of Salamanca and Alcalá for containing unsound doctrine, but the pro-encomendero faction seized on Sepúlveda as their intellectual champion. In his early writings, he advocated the use of African slaves instead of Natives in the West Indian colonies but did so without knowing that the Portuguese were carrying out "brutal and unjust wars in the name of spreading the faith". Uhartera heldu ziren lehen domingotarrak lau izan ziren, horietatik soilik hiruren izena kontserbatzen bada ere: Frai Pedro de Córdoba, Frai Antonio de Montesinos eta Frai Bernardo de Santo Domingo. 1533an, bere heriotza ohean damututako mandatari batek frai Bartolome de Las Casasi bere indiarrak askatzeko eskatu zion. Su-etena hautsita, benetako gerra hasi zen, 8 edo 9 hilabete iraun zuena. Hala ere, Las Casasek Ocamporekin hitz egin eta esan zion ezin zuela espedizio militarrik egin lur horietan, Zedula Errealez, bereak baitziren. Denbora luzez pentsatu izan zen Las Casasek izugarrikerien deskribapenak gehiegizkoak zirela. Garai hartan Espainia Hispanoamerikako independentzia gerretan murgilduta zegoen. Frai Remigio delako bat indiar matxinoen herrira bidali zuten negoziatzera, baina indiarrek atxilotu egin zuten, eta Enriquek bere matxinadaren arrazoia azaldu zion. Laster hasi ziren aborigenen eskubideez kezkatzen. Ondoren, indioei opari txikiak (guraizeak, kaskabiloak, orraziak, ispiluak, beirazko lepokoak...) ekarri zizkien segizioko buru izan zen, eta hain txundituta utzi zuen kazikea, kristautasunera bihurtu eta bere basailuen predikatzaile izatea erabaki baitzuen. [95], Opposition to Las Casas reached its climax in historiography with Spanish right-wing, nationalist historians in the late 19th and early 20th centuries constructing a pro-Spanish White Legend, arguing that the Spanish Empire was benevolent and just and denying any adverse consequences of Spanish colonialism. 1515ean Santo Domingora joan zen, La Españolara, Pedro de Cordoba domingotarrarekin hitz egitera. 1524an Indietako Errege Kontseilu Gorena sortu zen, Amerikako politikarekin zerikusia zuten gai guztiez arduratuko zena. [72], The judge, Fray Domingo de Soto, summarised the arguments. Karlos V.ak tronua hartzeak Las Casas gortean entzuna izatea ahalbidetu zuen. 1552an Sevillara iritsi zen, eta han argitaratu zituen bere lanetako batzuk. Teologia, filosofia eta zuzenbide kanonikoa eta Erdi Arokoa ikasteko erretiratu zen, eta bere Historia de las Indias idazten hasi zen. [7], Bartolomé de las Casas was born in Seville in 1484, on 11 November. These congregated a group of Christian Indians in the location of what is now the town of Rabinal. Demographic studies such as those of colonial Mexico by Sherburne F. Cook in the mid-20th century suggested that the decline in the first years of the conquest was indeed drastic, ranging between 80 and 90%, due to many different causes but all ultimately traceable to the arrival of the Europeans. Babası orta halli bir tacirdir ve Kristof Kolomb'un ikinci yolculuğuna katılmıştır. Sevillan, ordea, beharrezkoa zen. Zenbait hamarkada geroago, 1856an, akademikoen belaunaldi berri batek eskuizkribuaren edizio kritiko bat argitaratzea gomendatu zuen, "Egiak eskatzen duen moduan ilustratua eta lehen konkistatzaile haien ohorea eskatzen duena". Bere misioa aita jeronimotarrei edo gaiaren gaineko jakintza zuten gainerako pertsonei indiarren osasun eta osotasunaren berri ematea zen. Las Casas committed himself to producing 15,000 ducats of annual revenue, increasing to 60,000 after ten years, and to erecting three Christian towns of at least 40 settlers each. Francisco Tellok Lege Berrien aplikazioa bertan behera uztea erabaki zuen, erregearekin hitz egitera joan zen segizioaren arazoa konpondu arte eta erregeak oinordetzari zegokiona bertan behera utzi arte. Bartolomé de las Casas (bahasa Spanyol: [bartoloˈme ðe las ˈkasas] (); kr. Espedizioa 1493an itzuli zen, Indietarako bide berria aurkitu ondoren, eta horrek ikusmin handia sortu zuen. Ocamporen espedizioa 300 soldadurekin iritsi zen Puerto Ricoko San Juanera. Laster sortu ziren bando bi boterea eskuratzeko. Hala ere, ekaitza altxa zen eta bere ontziarekin Yaiquimora joan behar izan zuen, La Españolaren beste aldera. Bahuruco kazikea, Enrique izenez bataiatua eta frantziskotarrek hezia, San Juan de la Maguanan ogasunak zituen Valenzuela izeneko espainiar kapare baten enkomiendara pasa zen. Bartolomé de las Casas (Sevilla, 24 augustus 1484 – Madrid, 17 juli 1566) was een Spaans priester van de orde der dominicanen, de eerste die werd uitgezonden naar de Nieuwe Wereld en de eerste bisschop van Chiapas.In tegenstelling tot veel van zijn collega's en tijdgenoten nam hij het op voor de inheemse bewoners van het pas door Christoffel Columbus ontdekte land. 1544ko abenduaren 14an Santo Domingotik abiatu zen Chiapaserantz. The bread of the needy is the life of the poor; whoever deprives them of it is a man of blood." Bartolomé de las Casas (24. elokuuta 1484 Sevilla – 17. heinäkuuta 1566 Madrid) oli espanjalainen piispa ja teologi.Hän oli Chiapasin ensimmäinen piispa. Bartolome de Las Casas sarraskia geldiarazten saiatu zen, baina soldaduek ez zioten jaramonik egin.Txabola baten barruan zegoen gazte batengana hurbildu zen eta arriskurik ez zegoela esan zion. Beste bidaia transatlantiko bat Frai Bartolome de las Casasera itzuli zen berriro 1540an. On Christmas Eve of 1515, Las Casas met the monarch and discussed the situation in the Indies with him; the king agreed to hear him out in more detail at a later date. Bartolome de Las Casas partidan zegoen. (Sevilla, 1484 – Madrid, julio de 1566) fue un encomendero español y luego fraile dominico, cronista, filósofo, teólogo, jurista, «Procurador o protector universal de todos los indios de las Indias», obispo de Chiapas en el Virreinato de Nueva España, escritor y principal apologista de los indígenas. In this way he was successful in converting several native chiefs, among them those of Atitlán and Chichicastenango, and in building several churches in the territory named Alta Verapaz. [51] As a direct result of the debates between the Dominicans and Franciscans and spurred on by Las Casas's treatise, Pope Paul III promulgated the Bull "Sublimis Deus," which stated that the Indians were rational beings and should be brought peacefully to the faith as such.[52]. He is the subject of the poetic sequence "Homage to Bartolomé de Las Casas" by the American poet Daniel Tobin, which appears in his book Double Life. He made up his mind to give up his slaves and encomienda, and started to preach that other colonists should do the same. Cuzcoko apezpikutza eskaini zioten, oso garrantzitsua une hartan, baina Las Casasek ez zuen onartu. Bartolomé de las Casas (24. elokuuta 1484 Sevilla – 17. heinäkuuta 1566 Madrid) oli espanjalainen piispa ja teologi.Hän oli Chiapasin ensimmäinen piispa. XVII. He still suggested that the loss of Indian labor for the colonists could be replaced by allowing importation of African slaves. Las Casasek indiarrak bakean zibilizatu zitezkeela eta euren askatasuna errespeta zitekeela argudiatzen zuten, Jainkoak, gizon zuriari eman zizkion talentu berberak eman zizkielako. [57], When the hearings started in 1542, Las Casas presented a narrative of atrocities against the natives of the Indies that would later be published in 1552 as "Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias". It was important for Las Casas that this method be tested without meddling from secular colonists, so he chose a territory in the heart of Guatemala where there were no previous colonies and where the natives were considered fierce and war-like. In addition, his critique towards the colonizers served to bring awareness to his audience on the true meaning of Christianity, to dismantle any misconceptions on evangelization. Hala, Cumaná lurraldean (Venezuela) kolonia baketsu bat sortzeko proiektua aurrera eramateko baimena eman zion Gaztelako Kontseiluak, hark bere teoriak aplika zitzan: Tierra Firme populatzea, odolik isuri gabe, eta ebanjelioa iragartzea, armen arrabotsik gabe. mendera arte. Geroago Diego eta Gabriel Peñaloza anaiek lagundu zioten aitari. Bartolomé de las Casas 1474 Sevilya doğumlu, tarihçi, papaz ve uluslararası hukuk ve insan hakları normlarının ilk savunucularından biri olan yazar. Having been summoned to a meeting among the bishops of New Spain to be held in Mexico City on January 12, 1546, he left his diocese, never to return. Ciguayo eta Tamayo buruzagi natiboek Enriqueren eredua jarraitu zuten eta espainiarren aurkako partidak antolatzea erabaki zuten, guztiei erasoz, armatuta egon ala ez. Lege Berriak zailtasunez aplikatu ziren behin betiko, batez ere enkomienda-eskubidearen oinordetzagatik. Lege Berriak betetzen zirela ziurtatzeko, Francisco Tello de Sandoval lizentziaduna bidali zuten Indietara. Han iritsi zitzaien albistea, Alonso de Ojedak, lehorrean, aborigenak haserrarazi zituen esklabo ehiza bat hasi zuela, eta, horregatik, chiribichi eta macarapana indiarrek Cumanan (egungo Venezuelako lurraldean) zeuden fraide domingotar guztiak hil zituztela. Bere lorpena Erregeari aurkezteko Badalonara egin zuen ibilbidean, Kolon, 1493ko martxoan Sevillatik pasa zen bere txori eta zazpi indiarrekin, eta San Nikolas elizaren inguruan erakutsi zituen. As Ocampo's ships began returning with slaves from the land Las Casas had been granted, he went to Hispaniola to complain to the Audiencia. "[24] Las Casas and his friend Pedro de la Rentería were awarded a joint encomienda which was rich in gold and slaves, located on the Arimao River close to Cienfuegos. Gazteari, ordea, atera zenean soldadu batek labankada eman zion. Las Casas hotz hartu zuten La Españolan. Cotubanok Higüey probintziako indiarrak konbentzitu zituen matxinatu zitezen. Las Casas was among those denied confession for this reason. [64], The New Laws were finally repealed on October 20, 1545, and riots broke out against Las Casas, with shots being fired against him by angry colonists. [87], The images described by Las Casas were later depicted by Theodore de Bry in copper plate engravings that helped expand the Black Legend against Spain. [96][97] Spanish pro-imperial historians such as Menéndez y Pelayo, Menéndez Pidal, and J. Pérez de Barrada depicted Las Casas as a madman, describing him as a "paranoic" and a monomaniac given to exaggeration,[98] and as a traitor towards his own nation. Euren aurkako erasoaldietatik defendatzea lortu zuen, eta "Errepublika independente" moduko bat muntatu zuen hogeita hamar legoako hedaduran. [99] Menéndez Pelayo also accused Las Casas of having been instrumental in suppressing the publication of Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda's "Democrates Alter" (also called Democrates Secundus) out of spite, but other historians find that to be unlikely since it was rejected by the theologians of both Alcalá and Salamanca, who were unlikely to be influenced by Las Casas. In 1551 he rented a cell at the College of San Gregorio, where he lived with his assistant and friend Fray Rodrigo de Ladrada. [27][28], Las Casas arrived in Spain with the plan of convincing the King to end the encomienda system. 1490ean, seguruenik, Salamancako Unibertsitatera joan zen "bi zuzenbideak" zelakoa (zuzenbide kanonikoa eta estatu-zuzenbidea) ikastera. Xii+234. [60] Las Casas himself was also not satisfied with the laws, as they were not drastic enough and the encomienda system was going to function for many years still under the gradual abolition plan. He drafted a suggestion for an amendment arguing that the laws against slavery were formulated in such a way that it presupposed that violent conquest would still be carried out, and he encouraged once again beginning a phase of peaceful colonization by peasants instead of soldiers. Diego Velazquez Cuellar kapitainak 300 gizoneko espedizio bat prestatu zuen lau ontzitan, Salvatierra de Sabanako portutik abiatu ziren Maisira, Kuba ekialdean dagoen probintziara, eta Puerto de la Palma deritzonean lehorreratu ziren. He participated in campaigns at Bayamo and Camagüey and in the massacre of Hatuey. Presidentea Fray Garcia de Loaysa zen. Renteria itzuli zenean, Las Casasek bere erabakiaren berri eman zion. Bartolomé de Las Casas steht für: . Hala ere, Mexikoko domingotarrek hiriko kabildoaren babesa lortu zuten eta espetxeratu egin zuten, La Españolara bidaltzeko. [39], When he arrived in Spain, his former protector, regent and Cardinal Ximenez Cisneros, was ill and had become tired of Las Casas's tenacity. [75], Having resigned the Bishopric of Chiapas, Las Casas spent the rest of his life working closely with the imperial court in matters relating to the Indies. Bartolomé de las Casas Portrait de Bartolomé de las Casas (anonyme, XVI e siècle). Babası orta halli bir tacirdir ve Kristof Kolomb'un ikinci yolculuğuna katılmıştır. Bere testamentuaren arabera, ordea, bere gorpuzkiak Valladolidera eraman zituzten. Espedizioak, itzuleran, 600 indiar ekarri zituen eta aitak bat oparitu zion Bartolome semeari, bere zerbitzari izan zedin. [113], He has also come to be seen as an early advocate for a concept of universal human rights. Gizon-emakumeen hainbat esku moztu eta soketan loturik, makila batetik eseki zituen, gainerako indiarrek aurrekoei egina ikus zezaten, hirurogeita hamar esku pare; eta ume eta emakumeen hainbat sudur moztu zituen. Indiarrek jarrera parte-hartzailea zuten eta beren erlijioan uholde unibertsal bat izan zela kontatzen zuten. Las Casas managed to secure the support of the king's Flemish courtiers, including the powerful Chancellor Jean de la Sauvage. Batzuk beren enkomienda-buruek Ameriketatik ekarriak ziren, eta beste batzuk esklabo-merkatariei ezkutuan eskuratuak.