Trois décennies de massacres et de pillage : la guerre de Trente Ans fut une catastrophe démographique qui a longtemps hanté l'Allemagne. Many Spanish officials felt it was time to accept Dutch independence, but despite these challenges, their Empire remained a formidable power. Des 30 000 habitants (ce qui caractérise une ville majeure pour l'époque), seuls 5 000 survivent. Ferdinand and his advisors were greatly concerned by the brutal nature of the Würzburg and Bamberg trials, fearing they would discredit the Counter-Reformation, and active persecution largely ended by 1630. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 16 avril 2020 à 14:10. Their attribution by some to supernatural causes led to a series of Witch-hunts, beginning in Franconia in 1626 and quickly spreading to other parts of Germany, which were often exploited for political purposes. While both were primarily designed to support the dynastic ambitions of their leaders, they combined with events like the 1609 to 1614 War of the Jülich Succession to increase tensions throughout the Empire. [95], The Peace of Münster was the first to be signed on 30 January 1648; it was part of Westphalia because the provinces that made up the Dutch Republic were still technically part of the Spanish Netherlands and thus Imperial territories. [70] Two months later, the Swedes won a resounding victory at Lützen, where Gustavus was killed. Mais la résolution du conflit témoigne aussi de la vitalité politique du Saint Empire et des États allemands. However, it was a compromise that failed to resolve underlying religious and political tensions within the Holy Roman Empire. Although von Hatzfeldt defeated a Swedish-English-Palatine force at Vlotho in October 1638, Breisach's surrender to Bernhard in December secured French control of Alsace and the Rhineland, severing the Spanish Road. [68] In these battles, Gustavus utilized, among other things, the well-trained Finnish light cavalrymen Hakkapeliitta, which were excelled in sudden and savage attacks, raiding and reconnaissance. Pour les catholiques de l'époque, elle était la manifestation de la colère divine. With Saxony occupied by Sweden, Ferdinand III accepted the need to include them in peace negotiations. [128], The benefits of Westphalia for the Swedes proved short-lived. [47] In 1621, Hamburg accepted Danish 'supervision', while his son Frederick became joint-administrator of Lübeck, Bremen and Verden. Principauté archiépiscopale de Magdebourg, Portail du Saint-Empire romain germanique,, Bataille impliquant le Saint-Empire romain germanique, Portail:Saint-Empire romain germanique/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. [122] Mainz and Trier also witnessed the mass killing of suspected witches, as did Cologne, where Ferdinand of Bavaria presided over a particularly infamous series of witchcraft trials, including that of Katharina Henot, who was executed in 1627. Opposant les Habsbourg d’Autriche et d’Espagne aux puissances européennes, Danemark, Suède, France, ce conflit majeur de l’Europe moderne a déchiré les états allemands impériaux entre eux. [114], The financial impact is less clear; while the war caused short-term economic dislocation, overall it accelerated existing changes in trading patterns. The Thirty Years' War was primarily fought in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. With the exception of the 1639 to 1642 Piedmontese Civil War, this secured the French position in Northern Italy for the next twenty years. Massacres, famines, pestes déciment plus de la moitié de la population, et c'est une Alsace misérable qu'en des clauses obscures le traité de … Celle-ci résiste, bien fortifié… Palatinate (until 1632) De plundering van Wommelgem, un tableau de Sebastiaan Vrancx, qui illustre les massacres de la guerre de Trente ans. La guerre de Trente Ans est une série de conflits armés qui a déchiré l’Europe de 1618 à 1648.Les causes en sont multiples mais son déclencheur est la révolte des sujets tchèques protestants de la maison de Habsbourg, la répression qui suivit et le désir de ces derniers d’accroître leur hégémonie et celle de la religion catholique dans le Saint-Empire. Les troupes de Tilly pourvues d'un important matériel de siège entreprirent d'abord d'investir les défenses extérieures, chose faite le 1er mai, puis les faubourgs deux jours plus tard. [101] It also disappointed many exiles by accepting the restoration of Catholicism as the dominant religion in Bohemia, Upper and Lower Austria, strongholds of Protestantism in 1618. [100], The Peace was later denounced by Pope Innocent X, who regarded the bishoprics ceded to France and Brandenburg as property of the Catholic church, and thus his to assign. Catholic League (1618–1635), The Thirty Years' War was a conflict primarily fought in Central Europe from 1618 to 1648; estimates of total military and civilian deaths range from 4.5 to 8 million, mostly from disease or starvation. Delivering these commitments required his election as Emperor, which was not guaranteed; one alternative was Maximilian of Bavaria, who opposed the increase of Spanish influence in an area he considered his own, and tried to create a coalition with Saxony and the Palatinate to support his candidacy. Les termes « justice de Magdeburg » et « pitié de Magdeburg » ont également longtemps servi de prétexte aux protestants pour justifier l'exécution de catholiques. Possession of these fortresses gave France effective control of Piedmont, protected the Alpine passes into Southern France, and allowed them to threaten Milan at will. [52], Many of Christian's German allies, such as Hesse-Kassel and Saxony, had little interest in replacing Imperial domination for Danish, while few of the subsidies agreed in the Treaty of the Hague were ever paid. They ranged in size and importance from the seven Prince-electors who voted for the Holy Roman Emperor, down to Prince-bishoprics and City-states, such as Hamburg. [33], Spanish involvement inevitably drew in the Dutch, and potentially France, although the strongly Catholic Louis XIII faced his own Protestant rebels at home and refused to support them elsewhere. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Celle-ci résiste, bien fortifiée, et attend les renforts du roi de Suède, Gustave-Adolphe.  Habsburg Monarchy Heilbronn League (1631–1635) [77] In 1640, the French captured Arras, and over-ran the rest of Artois, while protests against heavy taxes led to revolts in Portugal and Catalonia. The Dutch destroyed a large supply convoy at the Downs in October 1639, while Madrid's inability to prevent attacks on Portuguese possessions in Africa and the Americas caused increasing unrest in Portugal, then part of the Spanish Empire. [92], In 1580, Philip II of Spain became ruler of the Portuguese Empire, and the 1602 to 1663 Dutch–Portuguese War began as an offshoot of the Dutch fight for independence from Spain. They included separation of the Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs, expansion of the French frontier into the Empire, and an end to Spanish military supremacy in Northern Europe. Food shortages were worsened by an explosion in the rodent population; Bavaria was over-run by wolves in the winter of 1638, its crops destroyed by packs of wild pigs the following spring. Il est connu pour le nombre de victimes de la guerre produite du côté des civils ainsi que la destruction de la zone sur laquelle la guerre a été menée (qui est maintenant l’Allemagne). La guerre de Trente Ans est une série de conflits armés qui a déchiré l’Europe du 23 mai 1618 au 15 mai 1648.Les causes en sont multiples mais son déclencheur est la révolte des sujets tchèques protestants de la maison de Habsbourg, la répression qui s'ensuivit, et le désir des Habsbourg d’accroître leur hégémonie et celle de la religion catholique dans le Saint-Empire. [107] Well into the 19th century, the leading cause of mortality even for soldiers was disease; of an estimated 600,000 military deaths between 1618 and 1648, only 200,000 were killed in combat. A few days later, Ferdinand withdrew the Edict and signed the Peace of Prague, dissolving the Heilbronn and Catholic Leagues, and creating a single Imperial army, although Saxony and Bavaria retained control of their own forces. [30] Focused on retaking the Netherlands, the Spanish Habsburgs preferred to avoid antagonising Protestants elsewhere, and recognised the dangers associated with Ferdinand's fervent Catholicism, but accepted the lack of alternatives. Pendant la guerre de Trente Ans (1618-1648), l'Alsace servit de champ de bataille aux armées impériales, suédoises, weimariennes et françaises. Depuis trente ans, la guerre refuse de desserrer ses griffes sur Gomet Usta, un vétéran azerbaïdjanais habitant à quelques centaines de mètres du front. The combination destabilised large parts of the Empire. Le 3 avril 1631, Tilly, à la tête des troupes de la Ligue catholique, entreprit de s'en emparer. This was the reason behind Spanish involvement in the Jülich dispute; by 1618, the only part not controlled by Spain ran through the Electoral Palatinate. Intended as the basis of a wider coalition against Ferdinand, France, Sweden, Savoy and the Republic of Venice were also invited to join, but it was overtaken by events. In an event known as the Third Defenestration of Prague, the two men and their secretary Philip Fabricius were thrown out of the castle windows, although all three survived. Entre la France et l'Espagne, la guerre va toutefois se prolonger jusqu'en 1659. A Spanish offensive in 1636 reached Corbie in Northern France; although it caused panic in Paris, lack of supplies forced them to retreat, and it was not repeated. [27], Since Emperor Matthias had no surviving children, in July 1617 Philip III of Spain agreed to support Ferdinand's election as king of Bohemia and Hungary. It also provided opportunities for external opponents of the Habsburgs, including the Ottoman Empire and Savoy. Disputes within the Empire drew in outside powers, many of whom held Imperial territories, including the Dutch Prince of Orange, hereditary ruler of Nassau-Dillenburg. [80], In September 1645, the Swedes agreed a six-month truce with Saxony; Ferdinand accepted a military solution was no longer possible, and in October ordered his diplomats to begin serious negotiations at Westphalia. [102], The settlement failed to achieve its stated intention of achieving a 'universal peace'; Mazarin insisted on excluding the Burgundian Circle from the treaty of Münster, allowing France to continue its campaign against Spain in the Low Countries, a war that continued until the 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees. In addition, Christians residing in states where they were a minority, such as Catholics living under a Lutheran ruler, were guaranteed freedom of worship and equality before the law. [111] Nearly 50% of these losses appear to have been incurred during the first period of Swedish intervention from 1630 to 1635. In addition, Lutherans could keep lands or property taken from the Catholic Church since the 1552 Peace of Passau. Cette succession de conflits, de 1618 à 1648, ensanglantera notre continent, ravagé par les massacres, les pillages et les famines, et causera 8 millions de morts. [108], Parish records show regular outbreaks of these were common for decades prior to 1618, but the conflict greatly accelerated their spread. [99] Sweden received an indemnity of five million thalers, the Imperial territories of Swedish Pomerania, and Prince-bishoprics of Bremen and Verden; this gave them a seat in the Imperial Diet. While less than 2% of the total French state budget, it made up over 25% of the Swedish, and allowed Gustavus to support an army of 36,000. Of the 30,000 citizens, only 5,000 survived. While flight may have saved lives in the short-term, in the long run it often proved catastrophic. Anger at such tactics and his growing power came to a head in early 1628 when Ferdinand deposed the hereditary Duke of Mecklenburg, and appointed Wallenstein in his place. Christian retained his German possessions of Schleswig and Holstein, in return for relinquishing Bremen and Verden, and abandoning support for the German Protestants. Le sac de Magdebourg, le siège et le pillage de la ville protestante en Allemagne en grande partie par les forces de l'Empire romain pendant la Guerre de Trente Ans. [113] Although suggested towns over-stated losses to avoid taxes, individual records show serious declines; from 1620 to 1650, the population of Munich fell from 22,000 to 17,000, that of Augsburg from 48,000 to 21,000.  France (from 1635), Imperial alliance [32], Thurn established a new government, and the conflict expanded into Silesia and the Habsburg heartlands of Lower and Upper Austria, where much of the nobility was also Protestant. Spanish Empire Daniel Kehlmann a choisi de lui faire traverser la guerre de Trente Ans, ce conflit qui dévasta l’Europe entre 1618 et 1648.